Tuesday, July 17, 2007


As God intervenes in Malawi today.

BY: Peter Qeko Jere

On the 15th of July, churches in Malawi conducted special prayers for peace to prevail in the country. Church leaders prayed that God should intervene in the currently political madness where some gridy, selfish politicians are denying the people the budget. His Excellency the President Dr. Bingu Wamthalika on the 6th of July called upon all Malawians to pray to the Lord for a divine intervention on the current issue taking place in our country. Malawi has never witnessed a thing like this that you hear the Head of State setting a day for the Church to kneel down and pray. I mean this is just too spiritual and it’s uncomprehandable because it is happening for the first time.

Some have question why the president asked the church to pray at this moment in time. Why did it take the whole of the president to ask for God’s divine intervention at this moment in time? Firstly we need to know that the fact that the President asked the Church to pray shows that this president believe in God and that he walks with Him. Now since the President walk with God, he is able to see things that are happening in the spiritual realm and also able to take up a spiritual step through prayer. We need to know that it is different when it’s the President calling upon the nation to pray. In the bible, we have many instances where Kings and leaders called upon the Lord for intervention. I don’t have to remind you the many instances in the bible here because they are many. However we need to know that God respect his word when a national leader calls upon His people to pray. God comes down to do what He knows best when it’s about serious issues negatively affecting His people.

When it comes to prayer, God comes down and get involved in the process. As the President called upon the nation to pray, we know and believe that the God we serve has already answered our prayers and that this nation shall move forward politically, socially and economically. Malawi shall never be the same again because on that day, the host of heaven came down to put things together. No one will stop God from doing His work in this country. You see as a nation we are in a season where God is abundantly blessing us. You see people, since Bingu took over the leadership of this nation God has been pouring uncountable blessings upon this land mightily. For instance, we witnessed debt cancellation, good rains and bumper yield, national peace and good security and many others. God blesses the time and season of a leader whom He has chosen and it’s a situation that no one can stop it.

All those who serve various forms of demons and satanic kingdom to bring down this nation will not make it in Jesus name. In parliament those who are against this leadership that God has given this nation will not prevail and God shall turn all their plans and actions into foolishness. Their actions will be darkened in Jesus name and if they continue causing pain and suffering in the lives of God’s people then we should expect God’s divine hand to deal with them severely. Ladies and Gentlemen, we serve the Living God who is an answering God. He is awake all the time and directs events in the world. He is in control of all what we see taking place in Malawi and will do everything possible to save His people from the mouth of the many lions that comes on our way.
Finally, we thank God for the opportunity to pray for this nation and appreciate that Malawi has a leader who believes in the supernatural power and works of God.

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