Thursday, July 12, 2007


As God takes Control of Malawi's social political situation

By: Peter Qeko Jere
This time around, many people in Malawi are still wondering with the continual refusal of the opposition Malawi Congress Party and the United Democratic Front to consider and make the national budget a priority.

It’s so much shocking that the opposition parties have openly declared war on the budget and are decided not to discuss it unless section 65 is sorted out first. Led by John Tembo and Dr. George Ntafu the MCP and UDF still maintain that the budget is not very important but section 65. NGO’s, the church and Malawians all over the country have called upon the John Tembo and the UDF to come to consider the poor who voted for them by considering the budget. The one question in mind is; why is John Tembo and the UDF hardening their hearts like this? Why it is that he is not able to see that his actions are likely to destroy and kill Malawians social economic expectation and hope? Should Malawians suffer because of their actions? I mean should the poor be denied access to the national budget just because of their selfish ambitions?

Before I respond to these questions, let me bring you back to the time when Israelites were in Egypt suffering in the hands of pharaoh and what the Lord God did to have them redeemed. We all know that for a long time God’s children suffered in the hands of Pharaoh. Moses went to Pharaoh several times to ask him to release the people but couldn’t. The bible says that Pharaoh hardened his heart such that he could not allow them to go. Pharaoh could not listen to anyone but instead oppressed God’s children even the more. While we know that pharaoh hardened his heart, the bible also says that it was the Lord God almighty that hardened his heart so that he should be easily crushed and destroyed. Divine darkness overshadowed Pharaoh such that he was stubborn and his heart hard that he could not listen to anyone even when Moses demonstrated God’s powers. The encounter we see is that God hardened the heart of Pharaoh such that he could not let the people go. We are actually saying that IT WAS THE LORD GOD WHO HARDENED PHARAOH’S HEART AND in other words, God stepped into the poor people’s situation and he begun a redemption process by hardening Pharaoh’s heart. God almighty got involved because of Pharaoh’s selfish ambitions and the injustices that that God’s children went through. God will always be involved when it comes to mistreating his children and denying them justice. God gets involve and punishes those responsible and he begins the process by hardening their hearts as he did with Pharaoh.

Having said this therefore, what is happening in Malawi’s politics today is similar to what God’s children went through in the book of Exodus during the days of Moses. Just as God’s children complained against Pharaoh, in Malawi many are complaining about what John Tembo and the UDF party are doing about the budget. Many are complaining that these guys are denying them access to the budget which is the very lifeline of all Malawians. Just as Pharaoh had selfish ambitions, John Tembo and the UDF have selfish program and ambitions that will not benefit Malawians. Just as Pharaoh could not listen to the voice of the people, John Tembo and the UDF have made up their minds not to listen to anyone but maintain their stand on section 65. Just as many Jews cried and needed to be redeemed from Pharaoh, many Malawians currently have raised their voice against John Tembo and the UDF in total unity.

In the bible, Pharaoh didn’t listen to anybody and had one goal and that was to oppress and deny the people freedom and liberty. Even when Moses went several times to ask him to change his mind, Pharaoh never could listen but went ahead to oppress God’s people even the more. This is exactly what we see today happening in our social and political life of this country where the opposition led by John Tembo has hardened their hearts and are not ready to listen from anyone’s view on the matter at hand.

We therefore see that this hardening of heart is done by God himself as he prepares to destroy those who oppress His people. Hard and stony hearts is a sign that God is in charge and in total control of things. This is the strategy and technique that the almighty uses against oppressors of God’s people. Since He is God, He does everything possible that will prepare somebody’s downfall and in this case we see that God has hardened the heart of John Tembo and the opposition parliamentarians to prepare their downfall.

What we see is the kind of thing that shows that God is in charge preparing their very downfall. In other word, what is happening today means that God almighty has taken charge and is controlling the political game in Malawi and that its just a matter of time when we shall all witness the very end of John Tembo, Ntafu and other opposition parliamentarian’s political life in this country. Normally God hardens people’s heart for a purpose and that is to destroy and crush them. Hardening of people’s hearts is a sign that somebody’s downfall is eminent and at the corner.

What we mean is that we should not be alarmed with the hardness of heart that we see in John Tembo and others in opposition because this is the sign that God almighty is preparing their downfall and the very end of their political life. We are saying this because we have enough evidence to show that in the bible Pharaoh’s history never lasted long because his army died in the Red Sea waters. Now in this situation, we need to know that God is always in control, in charge and command of this very situation we see around us and we should not worry about it but begin to see that the Lord God almighty is in control and in charge in Malawi. In this regard therefore, Malawians should know that John Tembo and the entire opposition will never soften their position because this is God hardening their hearts in readiness for their downfall. We need to know that this uncompromising spirit is a sign that God is executing his divine judgment upon those that are hardening their hearts.

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