That African strongest military leader, Muhammar Qaddafi is facing the greatest uprising is like a joke and a hard thing to believe. When Mubarak and Ben Ali vacated their hot seat, we never thought the Libya was to be the next african nation to be hit by the Revolution and protest. This time around it all clear and Qaddafi has lost control of almost the entire nation apart from Tripoli where he stays. This is because Benghazi and other major cities have fallen in the hands of the anti government protestors who are demanding that he resigns and leave the country.
However unlike Mubarak, the Brother leader is so difiant and it seems he will not give up power easily but that he will fight until the end. Qaddafi is difiant and assisted by his son who seem to be the second man in command in Libya as he can get on TV anytime he feels like to talk about the protest taking place in the country and how much his father is still in control.
In a way of making sure that Qaddafi surrenders, the UN, US and the European Union have imposed sanctions against Qaddafi and his family and a freezing of all Asset that the Qaddafi family have the US and other European nations. now the Question is will these sanctions help to remove the Brother leader? What actual need to be done by the UN, US and the European is they have to show some seriousness in support of the prostestors? We are of the veiw that sanctions doesnt work at all mainly when its about an African head of state. Freezing their assets is like a game because they can still survive with what they have inside their country. For instance, Qaddafi has alot in Tripoli and he doesnt need to travel to US to survive. He can still stay in Tripoli and still be in charge. So Sanctions as such have little impact in trying to solve the problem. What they call targeted sanction is a waste of time because African leaders and Qaddafi is able to survive. The travel ban is just a huge joke of a century because we need to be realistic here to see how many times does he travel outside the country?
So the UN, US and their key allies needed to do something that was to immediately help the people of Libya.
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