Friday, May 11, 2007


BY Peter Qeko Jere
In the gospel according to Saint John chapter 17, our Jesus Christ prays for his disciples and the church at large. What you see there that our lord prays that they may be one. Now why is it that our lord spent all that time praying for the Church national Unity? Is unity therefore important in the body of Christ? Is this an issue at all in the world today?
Looking deeper into our Lord's language you will see that this was a very serious issue such that he had to pray about it. He prayed that they may be
one. Now what Christ meant there is that the body of christ need to be united and remain one. Unity is a key therefore to any development be it in the church and even out side church. This is just the key to national and church prosperity.
If the church is united, they are able to move forward and develop without any internal squables while a sitution of internal conflicts creates a situation where you cant move forward because you end up so much busy nursing and trying to solve the situation which I feel is so unfortunate.
In Malawi today, churches are so much busy trying to solve their internal squables and can not move forward in terms of development. Finances are spent on programs to do with problems solving process. Evangelism is not done at all. You hardly hear of any crusade in the districts as it used to being when some of us were growing up. Those days were fantastic because preachers of the word could have crusades like in all the districts. These days big crusades are done in cities may be these places have more sinners than the poor districts. may be Preachers are part of the urban missionary strategy where there is this belief that the world has gone to the cities. I dont really know here because we need somebody to be holding crusades in the villages and small towns bringing people to the Lord.
Anyway this is not done because the Church is too much busy solving its internal conflict and problem. The church need to realise that Jesus want it united and remain one. United we stand and diveded we fall. If we are united, we are able to work and move forward with one voice and when we are divided, things can not work out.
Our Lord prayed for the church because He is the head and loves it so much. Jesus loves us and the church and it hates him so much when the church is not united. Unity of the church is what God desires.
You see Christ wants the Church united because the Father, Son and the Spirit are all one in Trinity. No one can separate them. They are three Trinitarian Persons but one. Its in this trinitarian power that they said, " lets make man in our own image". This is the standard that Christ want the church to follow, that they may be one and work together as a team. I will tell you more next time on Trinitarianism and Church Unity.

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