By: Qeko
The Nyasatimes report that Malawians are joyful at the capture and death of Gaddafi is far from the truth and this does not represent the voice of all Malawians. May be the heading of the article could have read, " Some Malawians" and not just " Malawians" because not all Malawians are sharing this notion about the death of Gaddafi mainly looking into the politics that had led to his demise. Also to say that Malawians are rejoicing is crude because we are a people who dont rejoice at death. Death is not something that someone can just talk about it like that as if its a game. We all know and have lost our relatives and we know how heartbroken this can be. It doesnt matter whether someone was a killer or evil but when they die, that situation is a different story because you are talking of a situation where someone is death and we will not see him/her again in this life.
In as much as the nyasatimes reported that many Malawians rejoiced at this death, some of us plus many millions out there are not rejoicing at all because it is in our nature not to rejoice when someone has been killed. We find it hard to celebrate upon hearing that someone has been killed. This article is showing a monstor image of us Malawian tothe world and that is why some of us and the many millions out there are strongly distancing ourselves from this story. As Malawians, we find this article story not potraying a good image because what it says there is not what we do when we hear that someone has died or has been killed. We dont and yes we dont because we value life as an asset freely given by God.
We may not be conversant with the Libyan political situation but some of us knows that: THE FORMULA YOU USE TO GAIN POWER IS THE SAME ONE THAT IS USED TO GET POWER OUT OF YOU. The NTC has used the power of the gun and it is the same gun that shall be used to get them out of power and that is the principle and that is what we should expect whether we like it or not. The Libyan people will neveer see peace again but that the nation shall be unstable for the many decades to come. Like all of us, Gaddafi had his mistakes and weaknesses as has been allegedly said globally but to decide to kill is far way too much.
Now the bible says for we all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God meaning that there is no human being who is an angel waking on this planet. This also means that in as much as some few are celebrating they need to know that just as Gaddafi may have committed the so called crime against humanity, this does not mean that he is the only "big sinner". We all are sinners who shall one day face the judgemen to God.
So for those few Malawians allegedly rejoicing, partying or celebrating that Gaddafi has been killed, you need to know one thing that you shall understand and know what death is all about when it visits your homes and may be that day you will know that it is not cool or good to rejoice when someone had died or been killed. We dont rejoice at Death but we mourn!!
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