“No matter how you feel, don’t fight the ANC”. These were the words of the South African President, Jacob Zuma who was the main Guest Speaker today at the Eastern Cape Provincial General Council which is currently underway here on Alice Campus of the University of Fort Hare. The Presidential motorcade arrived on campus around 4.30pm this afternoon and the President went straight to Sport Complex where the ANC Provincial General Council is being held. Inside the Sport Complex, delegates welcomed the President as they shouted for joy and song liberation songs.
Making the welcoming remarks and asking the President to address the delegates was the Eastern Cape ANC Provincial Chairperson Mr. Phumulo Masualle who amongst others thanked the President for coming and gracing the occasion. In his address to the delegates, President Zuma thanked the Comrades for their role in the life of the ANC and how significant the Eastern Cape is in the ANC politics and the life of the nation. He reminded the delegates that the Eastern Cape is the home of the ANC and that therefore the people of South Africa expect more from them. Commenting on the 100 years centenary celebration, the President said that the ANC has survived and lived 100 years where it has seen other parties come and go and that some have died natural political death. The President said that the party has survived this long because ANC is Movement and a national organization.He informed the delegates that the main role of the ANC is to lead South Africa because it was formed by the people. He made mention that People of South Africa expect the ANC to give national leadership and that if ANC was not there, South Africa could not have been where it is now.
The President advised the delegates on three major issues: first he touched on the issue of UNITY. President Zuma said that Unity is critical in the political life of any party and said that no one has the right to bring disunity in the ANC because UNITY is the rock on which ANC was founded. He said that in politics comrades can disagree but this has to be constructive disagreement. He recommended the unity currently existing between the ANC and their Alliances.Secondly the President touched on the issue of Respect for each other in the Party and respect for the Party values. On this one the President caution the people not to do something that will make the ANC uncomfortable. He said that in the party they can be disagreements but still there has to be respect which has to be maintained because this is one of the core values of the ANC.
In closing the President reminded the comrades that they as leaders from the Branches across the Eastern Cape are very crucial and important in the life of the ANC because that is where the people are. He asked the delegates to be active in their branches and play a leading role in community project where they need to give their services to the people. The other min event after the presidential address was made was the MOU signing ceremony between the University of Fort Hare and the South African Heritage Council where from today, some key historical buildings of the University have become historical heritage sites.
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